Why Wait? Hold your spot in the Spring 2024 cohort today! 

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What AWAKE Men’s Group is all about:

Most men are operating from a pre-determined set of cultural personality traits, roles, and ways of being. These roles are embedded as a child and young men. We wear this mask and play these roles - often well - until we realize our cultural norms/playing our roles has left little space to live from who we REALLY are. We may even realize we are living our culture's view of life vs our own.

In an AWAKE Men’s group, you’ll find a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space to drop the mask, get real and live your best, most authentic life. It's normal to feel fear around being vulnerable but the benefits - getting to be real and more congruent in your life - far outlay the cost of living a limited life. In an AWAKE Men's group you'll figure out who you REALLY are and what you REALLY want beyond societal norms. 

In our groups you'll courageously explore seven foundational aspects of your life as a healthy, growing, embodied man…

  • Personal & Social
  • Work & Career
  • Family
  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Mind/Intellect
  • Physical/Health

A Few Challenges We Solve Together:

Meaning of Life Struggles

At certain ages it’s normal to take stock of where your life is at and where you are heading. Finding or rediscovering purpose is something you can work through with the support of a group of guys who share the same goal.  

Parenting Challenges

Showing up for kids in a strong, supportive way with tools that work is more important than ever. Many men in the group are also parents and it’s a great place to vent about child-raising issues and get feedback from the shared wisdom of the group.

Breakup Recovery

Breakups, divorces, separations, and infidelities can be hard to go through. You’ll move through your breakup quicker and easier with a group of guys who can relate and offer guidance.

Nice Guy Syndrome

Are you a “nice guy” that lacks boundaries? Hearing how other men set and respect healthy boundaries will help you learn how to do the same.

Relationship Issues

Having a group of supportive guys to bounce relationship situations off-of and to receive guidance on how to handle relationship challenges in healthier ways, will dramatically improve your relationships.

Making More Like-Minded Guy Friends

As a guy, it’s not easy to find and build friendships. A men’s group is a done-for-you friend service. We find and introduce you to guys that are focused on personal growth and desire community & friends.

Better Communication Skills

Just having to explain your situation and how you feel about it will sharpen your communication skills. You will also learn how men communicate things in healthy ways with friends, family, and partners.

Dropping Bad Habits

Porn, drugs, gambling, booze, over-eating, and other bad habits are easier to drop when you have a supportive crew of guys that are trying to make similar changes.

What makes AWAKE Men unique:  

  • Each cohort is curated by Erik Vienneau, LPC so you meet with the same group of like-minded men throughout your 3-month journey.
  • Access to our Voxer Group to connect with men from your group in between sessions.
  • We respect the law of rhythm in life honoring shadow and high vibe space.
  • We celebrate each member’s strengths and bring awareness to each other's blind spots and fill them in with the group’s collective wisdom. 
  • We offer honest, authentic, raw feedback from our own personal experience - never advice.
  • Our group is trustworthy, safe, and confidential.
  • We offer a space for transformation.
  • See us as a “board of directors,” for all aspects of your life.
  • We fast track each other to where we want to GROW.
  • Your group is a place to celebrate wins, discuss and take action on growth and share the struggle of life’s ups and downs.
  • We reinforce confidential/active listening while discouraging distractions.
  • Fellow men offer feedback from their own experience and wisdom NOT advice.
  • It's helpful to hear other men share similar stuff you are struggling with so you feel less alone.

AWAKE Men's group are helping people like you:

  • Feel motivated & inspired: Every man goes through periods of being stuck and even subtle depression. Being around other men on the path to wellness and seeing their progress motivates and inspires.

  • Feel good: Facing our challenges alone doesn’t feel very good. So being in community and sharing your life feels better.

  • Become more successful in all areas of life: People make better decisions with a group of supportive peers they can bounce things off of.

  • Be a better father, husband & friend: Men take their crap, process it with the group and then bring the fruits of those discussions back to their relationships. Your loved ones will benefit hugely from having you be a part of a men’s group.

  • Real friendships: It seems like men have fewer close friends than ever. Through a men’s group, guys make new life-long, supportive friendships.

  • Get things off your chest: Even just talking about what you’re up against in life makes things easier and lighter. Venting is healthy when done in the constructive space of a men’s group.

  • Save time & energy: A man can try to figure things out on his own, or he can just ask a guy in his men’s group who has already been-there-done-that, saving him time and energy.

  • Community and contribution: It feels good to be in community with others sharing a similar goal and to help others achieve their goals.

AWAKE Men Mission:

AWAKE Men works within a group dynamic to provide a safe and supportive community for men to do their work and actualize deeper dimensions of the mature masculine. We are thoughtful, caring men co-creating a safe container for personal growth as we deepen our connection to the truth of who we are and live more fully from this place of wisdom. We show up fully with authenticity, vulnerability, honesty, compassion, and the courage to do our individual work. In addition, we’re accountable by setting personal goals; offering support; and being present for the entire group.

AWAKE Men holds space for men to work through their limitations and grow into the greatest expression of who they really are.  

What a typical call looks like: 

  • Once group forms we find the best time for the group to meet on a weekday day or early evening.
  • Bi-Weekly zoom calls are 60 or 75 minutes depending on size of group.
  • Drop-in with a guided embodiment practice.
  • Check in with three words.
  • Each man shares for 6-8 minutes. Feedback optional.

Sound simple? That’s because it is. There’s a surprising power in being FULLY HEARD by a group of like-minded, compassionate men. If you like, leave time at the end of your share for feedback from the group. What you’ll receive in input from men going through the same challenges will change the course of your life.

Why Wait? Hold your spot in the Spring 2024 cohort today! 

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